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Fin positur og godt innhold i motivet. Synes gul/sepiafargen er for fremtredende (skyldes vel lampelyset. Synes bakgrunnen (vegg, gardin, skygge) er uheldig skarp og lys, kunne vært dempet noe.
Mvh Knut
Avsluttet .
The atmosphere in the scene is very good represented through the composition and the image processing (toning). The light fits good in the way it is centered on the face of the man.
The focus should be located on the eye of the man and not on the wall behind him. also the image is a little bit to dark (for me).
Focus change and a little bit more light (not much). Or you place a candle near by so it looks like he is reading in candle light.
First i have to say sorry that i was using your picture as a example in a discussion. I would not in some way discredit you or your work. It was only interesting for me that you have get in nearly the same time only 1 comment's and the other 7.
So again sorry for this. For me this picture is one of the best what i have seen in the last time.
Geir N.
Først vil jeg takke for alle kommentarer. Og til Thomas Weih, vil jeg si at det var heilt greit at bilde ble brukt som en ref. til diskusjon. Syns forøvrig diskusjon var veldig interessent. For hva som er et godt eller dårlig bilde, har mange faktorer. Og hva hver og en vektlegger og liker. Ellers er jeg stort sett enig i alt av kritikker bilde mitt fikk. Og må takke herr Weih for oppmerksomheten bilde fikk.
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Mvh Knut
So again sorry for this. For me this picture is one of the best what i have seen in the last time.